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Kiandu – SL14 & SL28


Kiandu Factory, Nyeri, Kenya – Washed SL14 & SL28

– “A complex and lively Kenyan high-end lot of carefully hand picked and selected only the largest (AA) size beans”. 

What to expect in the cup

Blackcurrant, grapefruit, caramel. Incredibly sweet and complex cup with refreshing floral citrus acidity and luscious syrupy mouthfeel.


After picking, ripe cherry is brought to the factory by smallholder farmers, before it undergoes processing to remove the skin and pulp – known as the wet processing method. The factory is using a Mc Kinnon three disc pulper to remove the skin and fruit from the inner parchment layer that is protecting the green coffee bean, before coffee undergoes a dry fermentation to break down the mucilage sticking to the parchment, staying in the fermentation tanks for 18 to 24 hours. Then, coffee travels through washing channels to insure all fruit is removed and goes through one final overnight soak before being spread out on raised drying tables. Time on the drying tables depends on climate, ambient temperature and total production volumes undergoing processing, and can take from 7 to 15 days in total.
The Kiandu Coffee Factory is part of the Mutheka Coffee Farmer’s Society, consisting of almost 6,000 active members. There is a common average of about 160 coffee trees per farmer, and most farms grow other crops such as maize, beans, and sweet potatoes. Mutheka FCS is a relatively new entity formed in 2004 after the split of the Giant Tetu Coffee Growers Co-Operative Society. The FCS is situated in Nyeri County in the east of Aberdare ranges and West of Mt. Kenya and operates 7 factories: Chorong’i, Kaiguri, Kamuyu, Kigwandi, Kihuyo and Muthua-ini (along with Kiandu, of course) with total membership of around 6,000 small scale coffee growers. This is our first time purchasing Kenyan coffee from the celebrated Nyeri growing region, famous for its fertile red volcanic soil and producing some of the very best coffees that come out of Kenya.