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El Diviso – Ají

Rare & Exclusive

Finca El Diviso, Huila, Colombia – Advanced Natural Ají

 – “A rare and exotic mutation of an Ethiopian Landrace, skilfully cultivated and processed by our dear friends, Nestor and Adrian Lasso”.

What to expect in the cup

Kumquat, peach, golden apple. An exceptional cup that carries a dessert-like sweetness, presenting a vivid acidity from tropical and stone fruits, reminiscent of effervescent peaches.


Bourbon Ají is thought to be another variant of an Ethiopian Landrace that originated in the Huila region of Colombia. The mucilage possesses a subtle aroma and flavor reminiscent of red pepper (ají, meaning spicy in Spanish), which inspired its name. Nestor and Adrian are experts in the production and processing of premium coffees, and this particular lot exemplifies their advanced processing techniques, honed through extensive experimentation. Initially, the cherries are handpicked and meticulously sorted to select only those at the peak of ripeness. They are then allowed to oxidize for 36 hours at room temperature, approximately 25°C. Following this, the cherries undergo anaerobic fermentation in sealed tanks for 24 hours, maintaining an average temperature between 16°C and 18°C. The drying process takes place in specialised machines, where the cherries are subjected to a maximum temperature of 45°C until the moisture content is reduced to 18%. Subsequently, the cherries are placed in black bags within a dark warehouse to prevent oxidation, resting for 60 hours until they achieve the desired moisture level of 11%. This intricate process, combined with the Ají mutation, results in a cup profile that is truly remarkable and distinctive, making it an experience not to be overlooked.
Seven years ago, Nestor Lasso and his brother Adrian assumed control of their family farm, opting to explore specialty coffee and innovative practices rather than following the traditional methods of their parents. Now, at the ages of 22 and 24, they have partnered with Jhoan Vergara, another descendant of a coffee farmer, to establish El Diviso. This venture combines the two family farms, El Diviso (owned by Nestor and Adrian Lasso) and Las Flores (owned by Jhoan Vergara), located near the town of Pitalito in Colombia’s Huila region. This collaboration has proven beneficial, as the three young entrepreneurs have pooled their expertise to enhance coffee quality. Three years ago, Cat and Pierre, the founders of CATA Export, joined forces with the three producers to embark on a journey of experimentation aimed at refining fermentation processes and protocols on the farm, with the goal of connecting these coffees directly to the UK market. Although this learning experience has required significant time and financial investment, it has yielded exciting results, as these coffees are now featured in numerous barista competitions throughout Europe. Currently, CATA Export and Finca El Diviso operate as a cohesive team. The friendship between Nestor and Cat exemplifies CATA Export’s mission, as their direct collaboration with the farms enriches their understanding of complex topics such as agronomy and fosters relationships that ultimately benefit CATA’s community economically.